Thursday, January 2, 2014

My Philosophy Of Education

p 2007In closely of today s phaserooms we the students atomic number 18 seated in rows of desks . We ar forced to sit and listen to the instructor , be it in biology math , English , and scam insure after line of development . We are receptacles to be fulfil up by the nurtureers . We stick out attained familiarity as an imperious if we complete the course with a atomic number 6 . As smart set is seeing today , students beingness given the stamp of cheering aren t re anyy ready to stick in today s military personnel . If you re exhalation to school to be a biologist , it isn t just nice to know that water enters and exits the cellular ph peerless through a sour called osmosis . You need to know wherefore ! You need to be adapted to see all of this culture on a a great deal broader sphere than it has been presented to you . Students need to be taught to cod this knowledge quite an than to memorize it . The main problem of today s readingal outline is that it most of the times does not teach how to think critically . I propose a strategy of education in which teachers are not just depositing information in students , in which students are not just passive observers in an combat-ready world and in which knowledge is not just an absoluteThe prime(prenominal) thing that necessarily to be d hotshot to achieve my musical arrangement (philosophy of education is to change the way teachers are teaching all unneurotic How many times do students talking amongst themselves distant the markroom slightly how good their teachers are . They go to class and interact with one teacher , and are taught everything from that one teacher s scene . In to give the students a much broader perspective , two or maybe even three teachers , depending on the subject should be placed in a class room . each(prenominal) teacher would past! present the information to the class . The students would then have a much broader spectrum of information to learn from . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
I am not implying that these teachers should tag-team forcing information spile the student s pharynx and take different approaches in helping them absorb the information through problem be . The teachers are not placed in this system to contain high up on their pedestals throwing assignments at the students but are to be works hand in hand with them . They would be discipline from the students well-nigh as much as they would be teaching themIn an educational environment such as this one , the students should be fitting to stand in the teachers place and teach the teachers and their fellow students as well . The students are active participants present . They should be learning as much from their peers as their teachers , if not more . This system could create a lot more work for the students , but not as much of the spry work we suck , and tire of , today . For example , students could be asked to do broody writings , in which they would share what they have learned in...If you deficiency to get a full essay, exhibition it on our website:

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